In the window and door industry, even an objective price written on a page can result in confusion between manufacturers, dealers, or distributors. Pricing is crucial to any business strategy, but if an organization works with many different companies and is subject to multiple pricing strategies, ultimate intentions can be lost in translation. One of the many ways this miscommunication can happen is in the difference between a quote and a proposal.
In some industries, words like quote, proposal, bid, offer, or estimate might get used interchangeably. Even if your particular business uses alternative terms, the concepts lead to different strategies. A weakness of many organizations is that they do not approach a customer with the appropriate pricing technique, therefore spending too much or too little time on the project. Below are some considerations when giving pricing for services or products.
What’s the Difference Between a Quote and a Proposal?
If a client is already aware of the exact services or products that they need and presents that information to the business, then the pricing that follows is a quote. Quotes are heavily price-centric, and a client wanting a quote is heavily considering those numbers to make their purchasing decisions. Quotes tend to get closer to the actual price of the finished product or service, because, ideally, the company is aware of the services they offer and how much those specific services cost.
If the client has a project problem and a vague idea of how those goals should be met, the company would present a proposal. A proposal is a solution with a recommended price point attached. A client seeking a proposal is one that is focused on who can provide the best solution for the best price. Oftentimes, if projects shift over the course of their lives, proposal numbers may end up looking dramatically different by the end of the project.
How Can Whiz Express Help Your Fenestration Business?
For the doors and windows industry, every order is custom and requires pricing software that can help companies come to more accurate and effective pricing sooner. Whiz Express has all of your pricing needs.
Figuring out whether the customer needs a price-centric or problem-centric solution ahead of time ensures that teams put the right amount of time in their efforts. If you spend too much time, that time is lost; too little time, and the company’s work is unsatisfactory.
Configuration-Quoting-Pricing software is an essential tool to building both quotes and proposals. Whiz Express helps businesses strategize by tracking product costs in a single catalog, assess labor and material margins across projects, and oversee distribution network management. More data means that the quote or proposal prices can ultimately be closer to the finished price. If you’re ready to bring an efficient flow of communication to your organization, sign up for a free demo.
Choosing the Best Pricing Software for Your Fenestration Business
e-Whiz Global was founded in 2009 with the sole purpose of offering simple & effective business solutions to our customers and business partners. Today, we offer comprehensive technology solutions for ERP, CRM and Accounting in major vertical industries.
With a growing global team of solutions architects, software engineers and project managers, we bring vast experience in your Business Domain, Product Development & Information Technology services. Our underlying philosophy is simple: If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go further, partner with e-Whiz Global.