Every organization is unique and requires unique software to meet its needs. Even when executives implement a quoting software specifically designed for their fenestration business, it will require some level of configuration. Upon strategizing for the organization, many executives want one or the other: either they want an off-the-shelf solution, or they plan to build from the ground up.
Which solution is best for your organization, and what does a middle ground look like? Deciding the best solution depends on understanding the range of customization that exists.
Configured Versus Custom Fenestration Quoting Software
Customization and configuration are words that get used interchangeably in lay language. In the world of pricing and quoting software, they are different. Configuration makes changes to the software based on tools already present within it. These options are intrinsic to the solution and, in a good solution, they are extensive. With quoting software as specific as one tailored to fenestration, it’s likely possible to craft the system you need by configuring the settings.
Customization requires professional coding and technological knowledge, and is the process of creating new software and extensions that are wholly unique to your organization. A customization of fenestration software will add new functions for specific requirements.
Typically, a unique organization will require at least a little customization, but the more specific the off-the-shelf solution is, the less customization will be needed. However, there are benefits to extensively crafting a unique solution for your organization. Knowing the potential risks involved may aid in creating a strategy.
Pros of Customizing Your Fenestration Quoting Software
Customization can make your system more flexible to change: Your fenestration organization might hit a stall if you find yourself wanting to make an adjustment that your off-the-shelf quoting software system cannot readily implement. The ability to effectively and quickly adapt your system will result in less downtime and is better for your bottom line.
Customization gives you control: A custom system is molded to your organization, meaning you can manage the software the way you want at a moment’s notice.
Customization gives you a competitive edge: Having a system fine tuned to your organization’s needs will streamline all processes, giving your organization the unique edge it needs to outperform your competitors. Unique features and processes will set you apart in the eyes of your dealers.
Cons of Customizing Your Fenestration Quoting Software
Customization can make you less flexible to change: This may seem like a direct contradiction to a previous point, but each organization differs in how they can adapt their software. If you over-customize, it may make it hard to implement ready-made solutions in the event of change, meaning you might have to scrap everything and start again.
Customization can introduce bugs and implementation problems: Creating any software has risks. The developer could introduce bugs that are harder to iron out down the road. Additionally, over-customization relies on crafting solutions, rather than using proven tools. An over-customized system might miss out on new, updated, and tested solutions that may offer what an organization needs.
Customization can be expensive: Customization requires additional costs on top of the cost for the software itself. Additionally, it requires continued maintenance and professional support to make changes.
Is Custom Fenestration Quoting Software Right for Your Business?
While a little customization is good and necessary for every business, the best practice is to avoid over-customization if you are using a crafted solution. Find a solution with vast configuration options that closely matches the needs of your business. A quoting software tailored specifically for the fenestration business is the easiest way to avoid the cons overall.
Whiz Express is a quoting and pricing software designed specifically for the doors and window industries. We understand that creating custom orders from multiple manufacturers can be difficult. Our system has a vast amount of configuration options to meet your organization’s unique needs. Schedule a free demo, and learn what makes Whiz Express the best solution for your fenestration business.